You, soldier, have sinned before God and before man. Long ago my place in heaven was made ready, and it is empty to this day for I cannot die. I had done with the world, and the world had done with me, and I would have been glad to be at peace.

When you shut up Death in the sack I had only an hour left to live. "Yes," says the old crone, with her toothless gums numbling and grumbling over her words. "It was time for her to die a many years ago." "What an old hag," said the soldier to himself.

"Listen to me - all of you out there! You were told by this man - your hero - that America is the greatest country in the world! He told you that Americans were the greatest people - that America could be refined like silver, could have the impurities hammered out of it, and shine more brightly! He went on about how precious America was - how you needed to make sure it remained great! And he told you anything was justified to preserve that great treasure, that pearl of great price that is America! Well, I say America is nothing! Without its ideals - its commitment to the freedom of all men, America is a piece of trash! A nation is nothing! A flag is a piece of cloth! I fought Adolf Hitler not because America was great, but because it was fragile! I knew that liberty could be snuffed out here as in Nazi Germany! As a people, we were no different than them! When I returned, I saw that you nearly did turn America into nothing! And the only reason you're not less than nothing - is that it's still possible for you to bring freedom back to America!"